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Ecommerce Marketing

Why Should I Hire Ecommerce Marketing Professionals for My Eshop?

When you have to be competitive against so many other businesses, your ecommerce website should really stand out. IceWeb wants to place your company in the best position to succeed. 

An amateur ecommerce site will just show you are not a professional. Nowadays, eshops have amazing functionalities: product videos and reviews, order tracking, wish lists, promotions through coupons and discounts, marketing automation, and mobile apps. An eshop without these features can look poor and non-professional to your audience and will not support sales.

Reasons To Hire Digital Marketing Professionals

From saving money to ensuring the best possible results, there are several reasons to hire a professional ecommerce agency rather than an acquaintance who dabbles in web design.


Save Money

Believe it or not, hiring experienced ecommerce professionals is one of the best ways to save your business money.

The learning curve for an ecommerce site is steep. You don’t need to teach yourself how to do it. You have better and more productive ways to spend your time—such as growing your business. If you choose to design your own eshop, you will end up spending money fixing mistakes while you will be losing potential customers.

A badly prepared, poorly implemented ecommerce site will put off your website visitors and damage your brand. It will take time and money to drive them back to you. As a professional e-commerce marketing business, we have seen people make these mistakes and we provide ecommerce services that add value and help our customers grow their ecommerce business.

Would you trust your local butcher to treat your burst appendix? Probably not. While they may possess a basic knowledge of anatomy, their expertise lies elsewhere.

Similarly, a professional internet company is going to deliver optimal ecommerce marketing strategy and results. From organic search engine optimization to paid advertising, we can use your money efficiently and productively to deliver results within a specific time frame.

We have done this many times, we know the digital marketing best practices you need, and we can implement marketing strategies that make your hard-earned money productive as fast as possible.

Do you know how to optimize an ad on Facebook by tweaking a few parameters? How to present your customers’ reviews in a way that catches people’s attention? Or how to set up abandoned cart emails to increase conversion rates?

It may look simple but we have worked on digital marketing strategy for years. There are specific methods to make websites, ads, and other marketing techniques work. You may not need to know them but we do—and we do ecommerce marketing well.


Better Results


Better Rankings

Getting your website to rank higher on search engines is crucial if you want your business to succeed. Let’s be honest: nobody looks past the first few pages of Google. You want your online store to rank among the top search results to reach your target audience and optimize your paid search budget.

Your website needs to be ranking high to gain visibility. Without high rankings, you will quickly find your website missing out on key traffic that you could be getting. By hiring a digital marketing company, you are maximizing your chances of making your website work. With a solid eshop and the right content marketing, you will see a significant spike in organic traffic which can pay off in terms of conversions.

Simply taking on regular tasks involved with your business is time-consuming enough. As a business owner, you are likely already wearing multiple hats throughout your entire organization.

A professional ecommerce marketing company will take the workload of marketing efforts off your shoulders. You can then maximize the time you spend at what you are really good at. Here at IceWeb, we don’t know how to run a gym, a solar panel installation company, or a law firm. If we spent time learning how to run these businesses we would be squandering our money and our talent. Instead, we focus on what we excel at—Internet marketing.

Many businesses outsource significant portions of their work, such as bookkeeping. The same should be true for your ecommerce site and online marketing needs.

Give us what we need to make the Internet work for you and we will give you peace of mind and plenty of clients.


Save Time


Be Recognizable

Consumers want brands they can readily recognize. It doesn’t need to be famous brands but they want to know what your business stands for and how it’s run. New generations want to have an insight into who runs the business and whether they share the same philosophy as them.

You want the most accomplished branding experts to nail the spirit and style of your brand. Branding is more than fonts, logos, and a slogan. It’s a whole tapestry of actions that create a story behind your business.

A lot of business owners lack the necessary knowledge or expertise to effectively brand their business for success. This is understandable. A professional company with experience in branding is going to propel your ecommerce by giving it a brand identity that you can build on.

Why IceWeb?

Internet marketing is a constant learning curve. You always need to keep ahead of search engines and technologies. AI and other algorithms are making online marketing more interesting but also more challenging.

Our IceWeb experts have dedicated their lives to Internet marketing. We have learned through experience what works for each business. We never use the same strategy because businesses are unique. This is why we put so much emphasis on branding. Each brand creates its niche. Starting from your niche market, we spread all the tools at hand. 

We integrate all available strategies and adjust each one to the tone of your brand. From search engine optimization to paid advertising and social media marketing, we create a mix to match your company.

The IceWeb offers you a competitive edge in online shopping. Contact us today and let’s arrange a meeting!


Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone run an ecommerce store?

Anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort to learn the necessary skills can start running an ecommerce store. 

However, it is important to keep in mind that running an eshop is different from running a brick-and-mortar business. You will need a certain level of technical expertise as well as sales and marketing knowledge to be successful. 

Additionally, it is important to have a clear understanding of the online marketplace and how it works to make informed decisions on what products or services you should offer and how best to market them.

Therefore, it is best if those who plan to run an ecommerce store possess a combination of both business acumen and technical know-how.

How do you increase traffic to your ecommerce store?

Increasing traffic to your ecommerce store requires a multi-faceted approach that combines multiple channels and strategies. Here are a few of the most effective ways we use to drive more traffic to your ecommerce store:

  • Optimize your website for SEO, by creating high-quality product descriptions and unique content and ensuring all pages are up-to-date with relevant keywords and meta tags.
  • Leverage social media platforms (from Facebook and Instagram to LinkedIn) to build relationships, share product updates, and engage with customers.
  • Invest in digital marketing tactics such as pay-per-click search ads and search engine marketing.
  • Follow the best email marketing strategies, including automated and custom email campaigns to attract new audiences and boost conversion rates, from newsletters to cart abandonment flows.
  • Create referral programs, or loyalty incentives to encourage existing customers to spread the word about your products or services.
  • Take advantage of local and community events to increase brand awareness and boost lead generation.
  • Create affiliate marketing campaigns with third parties that can drive traffic to your site.
How can you ensure customer satisfaction with an online purchase?

Making sure customers are satisfied with their online purchases is essential to keeping your business successful and creating loyal customers. Here are some ecommerce marketing tips to ensure customer satisfaction:

  • Offer clear product information so that customers know what to expect from the product they are purchasing online.
  • Provide easy and secure payment options, as well as a simple returns process if necessary, to ensure a valuable customer experience.
  • Offer excellent customer service and customer support by responding promptly to queries and requests or setting up a live chat feature.
  • Keep track of customer feedback and use it to address any unsatisfied customers or improve your products in the future.

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