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Paid Advertising

Reasons to Invest in Paid Ads

Paid advertising, also known as Search Engine Management (SEM) services, is a great marketing strategy to make your business, your products, and your services known in a short amount of time. With paid ads, your website will display in the best positions on Google search results pages and on social media platforms, to ensure that potential customers will notice you. The great benefit of using paid ads is that they are versatile and have an immediate effect. You can run a series of marketing ads to show up on Google’s first page right away instead of waiting for months as happens with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You can also run paid ads for a time-sensitive promotion or for a new product your business has introduced.

Digital ads are adaptable. With the right marketing content, you can target the audience most likely to convert into sales for your business. Since most businesses cater to different demographics, ad wording, images, and content can vary to match different targeted audiences.

Paid advertising can be a great way to generate more overall traffic to your site and bring qualified leads to your landing pages. If you have an e-shop, it boosts sales significantly, that’s why you should include paid ad campaigns in your marketing strategy and in your marketing budget.

Contact us today for more information on the benefits of paid ads for your company and get started with an effective advertising strategy.

Reasons To Invest In Paid Advertising


Increase brand awareness and expand your potential reach

Ads help you expand your brand reach

The Internet is packed with opportunities to advertise your brand. Major search engines, such as Google and Bing, provide marketing and paid ads tools. Different social media platforms also allow you to set up paid ad campaigns to target relevant platform users. That’s the case for Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Youtube. IceWeb’s paid ads team can set up ads for your website on Google and other search engines as well as on social media platforms that are relevant to your demographics.

Most businesses have several audience segments. Paid ads help you target these audiences separately. If part of your audience is on Twitter but a significant chunk is also on Facebook, we can create separate sets of Twitter ads and Facebook ads, targeting each audience separately to expand your reach and access a vast pool of prospective customers.

Remember that customers don’t come looking for brands. It is up to brands to boost awareness and capture consumers. Reaching buyers where they are located is key for lead generation and the best way to do this is by widening your digital marketing campaigns. When you advertise on various ad platforms, you are giving yourself a chance to reach different demographics when they are looking to make a buying decision.

This mix-and-match marketing approach is effective when you need to expand your reach. If your audience is spread throughout various social media platforms, you need to advertise your company where your audience actually sees it to increase your market share.

Paid ads are based on keywords

Let’s say a prospective customer is looking for “cottage-style kitchen cabinets in Miami.” If you have a business that makes such cabinets and you are running Google ads with these keywords, your website will show up high on the search results page. The potential customer will click on your website and check it out. If your website is enticing and user-friendly, they may well contact you for an appointment and a price quote.

Paid advertising gives you a unique opportunity to target keywords within your respective niche. Our aforementioned Google user is at the beginning of their buying cycle. They are still looking for kitchen cabinets and they belong to the awareness phase of the sales funnel. Once your website shows up on their list, your business will be on their radar. When the customer is ready to make a decision, they will remember you.

Paid advertising can propel your sales to new heights. While you can target buying keywords with other forms of marketing such as organic search engine optimization or organic social media presence, paid advertising is immediate and highly targeted.


Target Buying Keywords


Paid Advertising is Measurable

Paid advertising is highly measurable

All platforms, social media, and search engines have analytical tools that help you monitor your ad set performance. No form of marketing is worth investing in if you aren’t able to quantify the results. You are paying good money for digital ads, so you want to see results.

Analytics offer data on who responded to your targeted ads, whether they visited your website, and which page they stayed on. Analytics will also tell you if your customers subscribed to your newsletter and which path across your website pages they took. You can monitor metrics such as conversion rate, cart-to-detail rate, ads ROI, average browsing duration, or bounce rate. Analyzing your digital marketing data and achieving the right mix between paid ads and organic reach is crucial to managing your marketing budget efficiently.

Another great thing about paid ads is that you can alter them. Here at IceWeb, we run multiple series of ads and perform A/B tests on them. Analytics tell us which ones fare better and we re-focus our attention on the top-performing ones. Paid ads cost, but there is no reason to spend money on underperforming ads. Our goal is to help your business make money—and we want the paid ads you pay for to deliver.

Every business should engage in organic advertising techniques such as search engine optimization. Unfortunately, organic marketing strategies take a long time to bring in results. An effective marketing strategy balances organic with paid marketing efforts. 

With paid advertising, you can anticipate visible results almost instantly. You simply find keywords that you want to target within your strategy and start bidding on them. Right from the start, you will be able to have your ads show up for various keywords that match your business, niche, and industry.  

This helps get instant results and feedback on your advertisements. You can then focus on your top-performing ads and increase your bidding on these keywords.

Paid ads are thus a great short-term strategy compared to unpaid traffic sources, because they drive traffic to your website and generate leads and sales instantly. Paid advertising is particularly helpful if you are new to the industry or if you are developing a new line of services or products. Paid social ads are also a great tool for A/B testing, as they allow you to easily test various advertising campaigns and evaluate which ads are more effective with specific audiences of platform users. 

Our advice is to combine paid advertising with SEO strategies to ensure your success both short-term and long-term.


It's Quick

Paid Advertising for Your Business

There are so many reasons you should be investing a substantial part of your marketing budget in paid ads for your business:

You can boost traffic and convert prospects into actual customers at the beginning of the buying cycle.

You can run ads on several platforms to capture audience segments and target your ads to each and every audience.

Paid ads help you keep a close eye on your spending and the returns on your investment. If an ad is underperforming, you discontinue it and focus your attention on more effective ones.

You can see which platform yields the best results and spend more money advertising there. Sometimes, one audience is more responsive than another one, and one platform works better than others.

By hiring a professional digital marketing expert like IceWeb Marketing, you can have a whole array of paid ads, spread across multiple media and audiences. We can set up different types of ads, from display and awareness ads to performance and conversion ones, depending on your marketing goals. We can help you improve your return on investment and make the most of your advertising budget. Our team will analyze your ads and we will direct our efforts toward the optimal ones. 

We love it when we see that our clients are getting results, as it means that our efforts are paying off! Contact us to learn more about how we can help you with your paid advertising strategy!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between SEO and SEM?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It includes practices that help a website increase its so-called organic traffic, i.e. traffic that comes free of payment for advertising. It typically covers three aspects:

  • Semantic: This refers to the website’s content and the company’s content strategy. All copy must be keyword-rich and formatted in a way that encourages search engines to index it correctly.
  • Link building: Link building is all about backlinks, i.e. links that point back to your website. It is important that they come from high-ranking websites and that they include the keywords you wish to rank for.
  • Technical: This includes many separate improvements to your website, such as its schema, loading speed, image optimization, alt tags, etc. 

SEO typically takes 3-6 months to start yielding results and it requires an ongoing effort to update and upgrade your digital content. 

SEM stands for Search Engine Management. It encompasses all kinds of paid advertising that can target your audience. SEM works immediately: within a couple of days, you can be on the top of Google’s first results page and see a difference in your market share. A Linkedin ad, a Facebook ad, or an Instagram ad also falls under SEM. 

IceWeb’s expert marketers can help you get started with both SEO and SEM and guide you with digital marketing best practices. Contact us now to learn more!

What types of paid advertising are available?

There are several ad types and formats of online paid advertising available, including:

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: This type of advertising involves placing ads on search engine results pages or on a social media platform in exchange for a fee. Businesses are only charged when platform visitors click on the ad. 
  • Display Ads: This type of advertising involves placing ads on websites or apps that partner with an ad network. The ads can be static images, interactive rich media, or video content. Display ads usually work with a bid and auction system.
  • Social Media Advertising: This type of advertising involves creating compelling content and targeting potential customers through social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Paid social media ads can be text ads or video ads and are also pay-per-click. Your company is charged only when platform users interact in any way with the ad.

Native Advertising: This type of advertising incorporates sponsored content that fits within the look and feel of its surrounding media environment, making it less intrusive than traditional digital ads.


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