(888) 663-1313

How It Works

Boosting your sales and watching your business take off can feel like magic but is actually grounded on the following successful 6-step approach that we have developed through our years of experience.



The first step tο developing and implementing a successful online marketing plan is to have a discovery meeting with you. We need to understand who you are, what products or services you offer, and who your customers are.

Who you are

Knowing who you are lets us understand your brand. Since we will be developing a website design and original content for you, we need to match your brand in a way that makes your online presence blend seamlessly with your business. So, expect a lot of questions about what makes you different from your competitors and what your core competencies are. Also, what image you present to the world and how you describe yourself and your company.

What you offer

We also need to learn about your products and services. What are their unique features? What sets them apart from the competition?

Who is your competition

Finally, we need to hear from you who you consider to be your main competitors. 

Once we have a clear idea of all this, we can move to the next step, research.

During the research stage, we will study your competition and audit your current online presence and marketing efforts. We will also need to understand your market and discover which keywords work best for your business.




The first step is to study your competition and try to understand what made you choose them and what they do that you don’t. Our specialized software and AI tools will help us perform a deep analysis of their strengths and weaknesses.

Existing site & marketing

Using the same software, we will then audit your website and analyze your existing online marketing efforts. We will look for possible areas of improvement and study any weaknesses in your current approach.

Market research

At the same time, we will also need to understand your market, including who your target audience is and what makes them tick. It is paramount to target our online marketing efforts to the right audience, or they will be doomed to fail, no matter how perfectly designed they are.


A crucial part of our research concerns keyword analysis. What keywords does your audience use to search for your product or service? How can we match their expectations with your business? In short, what is the most effective way to reach them?



Once we have a solid understanding of your business, market, and target audience, we can plan out a marketing strategy for the next 6 months. 

We set clear targets and research the best ways to meet our goals, always keeping in mind the desired return on your investment (ROI). After all, the whole point of marketing is to increase your sales and help you reach new clients; not to increase your website’s metrics.

With our plan fully developed, we move to the implementation stage. Depending on your unique circumstances, we may optimize your existing content, develop new one, and design or redesign your website. We may also discuss paid advertising and branding improvements. Naturally, all this will be in a way that matches your brand and lets you stay in control of the entire process.

Toward that goal, we will also set up detailed reporting and conversion tracking, thus helping you stay informed of our efforts and the results they help achieve.





Even if we get everything right from the start, we will constantly run a string of A/B tests to optimize the results and fix what isn’t working. This is the only way to maximize your ROI and the benefits you reap from your online marketing efforts.

Once we have established your successful online marketing, we need to scale up proven campaigns and weed out underperforming ones. Our goal is to create a virtuous circle of ever-expanding ROI and positive results for your business.





Even if we get everything right from the start, we will constantly run a string of A/B tests to optimize the results and fix what isn’t working. This is the only way to maximize your ROI and the benefits you reap from your online marketing efforts.