Brief Overview of E-E-A-T and YMYL

E-E-A-T consists of four components—Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness—according to the foundation of Google’s Quality Rating Guidelines. Originally introduced as E-A-T in 2014, the concept evolved in December 2022 with the addition of “Experience,” underscoring the importance of firsthand knowledge in creating reliable and valuable content.

YMYL, on the other hand, stands for “Your Money or Your Life,” marking sites that can significantly impact users’ health, financial stability, safety, or overall well-being. Google’s algorithm intensifies when it comes to YMYL niches, given the potential real-world consequences of misinformation.

Why Is It Important for SEO Improvement?

As Google refines its algorithms to prioritize user satisfaction and safety, comprehending E-E-A-T and YMYL becomes a must for any website aiming to improve its organic performance. The connection between these concepts is particularly important in YMYL niches, where user trust is paramount. 

Building trust through a solid E-E-A-T foundation not only enhances a website’s visibility on search engine result pages but also ensures that users can rely on the information provided, especially in critical areas such as health, finance, and safety. 

E-E-A-T Explained

Now, let’s unravel the mystery of E-E-A-T—what it’s all about and why it’s the ticket to Google’s heart.

E-E-A-T, or Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, made its debut in 2022. It’s the upgraded version of E-A-T, now with the addition of “Experience.” Google’s way of saying, “Hey, we want content that not only knows its stuff but has some real-world experience too.”


It’s all about that personal touch. Google loves the content that’s been there, done that – real-life wisdom that adds a significant dose of credibility.


More than just experience, Google values the content from people who really know what they are talking about. Extensive knowledge, and proven skills – that’s what’s needed.


This one is all about the reputation. Google’s checking out your credibility through backlinks, promotions, and all the mentions from the important players in your field.


This is the pinnacle of E-E-A-T. Associate it with reliability, accuracy, and not hiding your content behind a wall of ads or sketchy promotions.

AI Content Writing vs E-E-A-T

After giving an explanation on the E-E-A-T, let’s discuss a current hot topic, AI, and how writing content with AI will not yield the same results. 

Due to the rise of AI technology and content writing through AI, Google has been challenged directly in figuring out which content to rank and how. Google looks at the name of the author, and makes sure an article is published under a real name, and not just a technology. The same is true for the content itself. Google analyzes and picks up on AI written content vs. human written content. 

As our AI dependency grows, so does Google’s firm stance against letting artificially created content rank.

WHAT’s Makeover to E-E-A-T

It all started as E-A-T in 2014, and then in 2022, it got a makeover – hello, E-E-A-T. Google’s way of saying, “We want content with brains, the whole package.” From E-A-T to E-E-A-T, it’s a sign that Google’s hungry for content that’s not just smart but also has that hands-on, real-life vibe. 

How to Optimize E-E-A-T on YMYL Pages

Now that we’ve delved into the intricacies of E-E-A-T and its relationship with YMYL, let’s unravel the practical steps you can take to enhance these vital elements on your web pages.

Crafting High-Quality Content: The Cornerstone of Trust

  1. People-First Content: Elevate your content game by focusing on what matters most – addressing user queries, providing valuable advice and leaving readers satisfied. Regularly audit and update your content to ensure it remains relevant and helpful.
  2. Originality Matters: Google appreciates content that is original, helpful, and created by humans for humans. Keep it real, keep it genuine, and let your unique voice shine through.
  3. Topic Research Tools: Tools like Semrush’s Topic Research can be your trusty companions. Dive into trending subtopics, understand popular searches, and tailor your content to meet evolving user needs.

Author Information and Transparency: Putting a Face to the Content

  1. About Us and Author Pages: Introduce your team and showcase individual authors. Transparency builds trust, and users want to know the minds behind the content. So does Google.
  2. Author Bios: Establish credibility by flaunting author credentials and past work. Consider becoming a contributor to authoritative sites within your niche to boost your expertise.
  3. Expert Reviews: Subject matter experts can add layers of credibility to your content. Even if your finance team can’t create content, they can review and vouch for accuracy.

Using Credible Sources

  1. Link to Official Sources: Whether it’s studies, research papers, or expert blog posts, always link to the source. Trust is built on authenticity, and direct citations reinforce your content’s credibility.
  2. Trusted Sources: Identify and leverage trusted sources within your field. Whether it’s academic databases, news publications, or recognized experts – align your content with authoritative voices.
  3. YMYL Emphasis: For YMYL topics, the emphasis on credible sources is paramount. Healthline’s use of trusted sources in medical content sets a sterling example.

Building a Positive Brand Reputation

  1. Online Reputation Management: Keep an eye on reviews and press. Respond promptly and professionally to both positive and negative feedback. 
  2. Positive Customer Interactions: Responding to reviews, both good and bad, contributes to your brand’s long-term reputation. Positive interactions resonate with potential customers.

Leveraging User-Generated Content

  1. UGC as Trust Signals: User-generated content acts as a powerful trust signal. Encourage customers to share photos, testimonials, and reviews. Prompt them through emails or social media contests.
  2. Permission and Credit: Always seek permission from creators before showcasing UGC. Give credit where it’s due, creating a relationship with your audience.

Monitoring and Managing Reviews

  1. Review Management Tools: Utilize tools to aggregate your reviews from various platforms and showcase them on your website. Otherwise, you can always build a dedicated page to keep a centralized view.
  2. Prompt Responses: Similar to the one from the previous section – respond promptly to reviews, showcasing your commitment to customer satisfaction. Positive or negative, each review is an opportunity to shape your brand narrative positively.


At IceWeb, we understand the dance between E-E-A-T, YMYL, and SEO. As an ROI-driven digital marketing agency, we specialize in navigating the challenging landscape of online visibility. If you find yourself struggling with any challenges or have questions about optimizing your E-E-A-T for YMYL niches, we’re here to help. Connect with us for expert insights and tailored solutions to elevate your digital presence.

Embark on this journey of trust-building and SEO mastery, knowing that your content, backed by robust E-E-A-T principles, can not only meet but exceed users’, as well as Google’s expectations.